ANNOUNCE: Test of Severnside Siren system, Sunday 14th September 2003
(too old to reply)
Siren Trust Admin.
22 years ago
This is an advance warning aimed primarily at residents of Portishead,
Avonmouth, Crooks Marsh, Severn Beach, Pilning, Aust, Lawrence Weston,
Shirehampton and Hallen, as well as anyone who may be working in or
otherwise visiting any of the areas mentioned on Sunday the 14th of

The Severnside siren warning system is to be tested on Sunday the 14th
of September 2003 between 2:00 and 2:30 p.m. The test will last for
approximately five minutes and consist of an alert sound followed by
oneminute's silence and then an all-clear signal.

Any soundings of the sirens other than at the time specified above should be
treated as a genuine emergency, in the event of which:

Go In, Stay In, Tune In to the local radio services.

Radio Bristol: 94.9 and 95.5 FM, 1548 AM
GWR: 96.3 FM
The Fourth Warrior
22 years ago
Here, don't it come round quick like, it was only last year I see'd that and
'ere it be again!

By d'way, wot be I supposed t' do if I get these 'ere Vikin' like raiders on
me lawn a pillagin' an' a plunderin' like?

Gud jub us ain't got nun orr them Nookieula fings about these days ain't it!

The Grey Goose
22 years ago
Post by The Fourth Warrior
Post by Siren Trust Admin.
Go In, Stay In, Tune In to the local radio services.
Radio Bristol: 94.9 and 95.5 FM, 1548 AM
GWR: 96.3 FM
Here, don't it come round quick like, it was only last year I see'd that and
'ere it be again!
By d'way, wot be I supposed t' do if I get these 'ere Vikin' like raiders on
me lawn a pillagin' an' a plunderin' like?
Gud jub us ain't got nun orr them Nookieula fings about these days ain't it!
Can't be Vikings or they'd a been raping as well

The Goose

Trolls & spammers
nuke them till they glow
then shoot them in the dark

The Fourth Warrior
22 years ago
Post by Siren Trust Admin.
Post by The Fourth Warrior
me lawn a pillagin' an' a plunderin' like?
Gud jub us ain't got nun orr them Nookieula fings about these days ain't
Post by The Fourth Warrior
Can't be Vikings or they'd a been raping as well
As I understand it, it was the wimmin that raped the Vikings as their own
men weren't much cop!
Celtic King
22 years ago
Post by Siren Trust Admin.
The Severnside siren warning system is to be tested on Sunday the 14th
of September 2003 between 2:00 and 2:30 p.m. The test will last for
approximately five minutes and consist of an alert sound followed by
oneminute's silence and then an all-clear signal.
I expect this is what passes for entertainment in Bristol?
I can just see you all there in your plush velour tracksuits.Hank with
his jumper on backwards,twatty girlfriend in tow...
21 years ago
We heard it -just, because we were out of doors! On top of West Hill
Portishead, its FAR too faint to be of any use. Its impossible to hear
it indoors. It was NOT and "Alert" followed after a while by an "All
Clear"! It was TWO "All Clears", someone obviously doesn't know the
difference, because there wasn't any!

It actually sounded as though they were using the proper air-raid
sirens, by the way the sound died slowly in pitch and volume at the end.
But its still far too faint to be of use.

Anyway, whats the point if you are hard-of-hearing, or even worse, stone
deaf? You wake up dead?

A Corpse
21 years ago
On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 23:09:09 +0000 (UTC), spitfire2
<***@btopenworld.com> wrote:

Post by spitfire2
Anyway, whats the point if you are hard-of-hearing, or even worse, stone
deaf? You wake up dead?
21 years ago
A Corpse wrote: (No he didn't, but I missed the original)
Post by spitfire2
Anyway, whats the point if you are hard-of-hearing, or even worse, stone
deaf? You wake up dead?
You write it in your diary the week before, because they'll have
announced it in advance on here.
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21 years ago
Post by Pet
A Corpse wrote: (No he didn't, but I missed the original)
Post by spitfire2
Anyway, whats the point if you are hard-of-hearing, or even worse, stone
deaf? You wake up dead?
You write it in your diary the week before, because they'll have
announced it in advance on here.
But if its a REAL emergency, we won't get any warning in advance!!!

So, as I said, we wake up dead!

Big deal - typical waste of money. :(

21 years ago
Post by speedy2
Post by Pet
You write it in your diary the week before, because they'll have
announced it in advance on here.
But if its a REAL emergency, we won't get any warning in advance!!!
Duh !!
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21 years ago
Post by spitfire2
It actually sounded as though they were using the proper air-raid
sirens, by the way the sound died slowly in pitch and volume at the end.
But its still far too faint to be of use.
Perhaps by some bizarre coincidence you are picking up a reflected wave
which is 180 degrees out of sync from the original giving rise to a
noise cancellation effect.......

I agree it is virtually impossible to hear when inside with the windows
shut and perhaps the T.V. on or something though.
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Mike Hide
21 years ago
What exactly does it warn against ?
mike hide
21 years ago
Post by Mike Hide
What exactly does it warn against ?
Locusts and impending fammine.

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Mike Hide
21 years ago
I thought it might be the elvers were on there way up .....mjh

mike hide
Post by Pet
Post by Mike Hide
What exactly does it warn against ?
Locusts and impending fammine.
http://gymratz.co.uk - UK's best bodybuilding supplements, gym equipment.
http://gymratz.co.uk/hot-seat.htm - Live web-cam!
TRADE PRICED SUPPLEMENTS for Personal Trainers or individual purchase.
21 years ago
Post by Mike Hide
I thought it might be the elvers were on there way up .....mjh
I thought elvers only appeared at Christmas time!
http://gymratz.co.uk - Bodybuilding supplements, gym equipment.
http://gymratz.co.uk/hot-seat.htm - Live web-cam!
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Celtic King
21 years ago
Post by Mike Hide
What exactly does it warn against ?
